Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Admirable Character Traits of Disney Princesses (Part 4)

Today’s princess is the sprightful redhead, Ariel. And her positive traits follow the picture.
  1. Child-like – She had big dreams and she was fascinated by the simplest things (like driving a horse carriage), her child-like side won many hearts and made it so nobody could be angry with her for long
  2. Made people laugh – while in her human form she couldn’t say a word, yet the simple things she did, her mannerisms and happy attitude made the people around her happy.
  3. Loved to sing / Happy - she was a happy soul and loved to sing. (Added after Regina's comment - Thank You!)
  4. Loved learning new things - she enjoyed learning, and was always exploring new ideas (Added after Regina's comment - Thank You!)
  5. Energetic/Fun-loving/Outgoing – she was always on the go.  This was one active young woman, always searching for new discoveries and adventures (although this does get her into trouble)
For the first time, Disney didn’t make a “Perfect” princess.  I’m going to write about some negative character traits, these made the character more “human”.  These negative traits do indicate that we should strive to be the opposite though.
  1. Disobedient – She disobeyed her father in going up to the surface, even though she was following her heart, that still isn’t a reason to disobey your parents, especially since he was a loving father who was genuinely looking out for his daughter’s safety.
  2. Stubborn and determined – this can be a positive trait when the person is stubborn and determined to pursue righteous pursuits, but in Ariel’s case it was mostly fuel for her disobedience to her father.
I now open the floor to my readers.  Can anyone think of other admirable or not so admirable traits Ariel had?


  1. Well I must say Ariel was "rewarded" for her disobedience by marrying the prince whom she hardly even knew. She was a little disrespectful to her father.

    Positive things? Well she enjoyed singing which is something I enjoy myself. She liked learning new things which is good sometimes.

  2. Thank you Regina, for adding two more to the list of positive traits of Ariel! I'll update the post and add them to the list shortly!
