Hello Readers,
this blog you are looking at is my primary blog detailing my thoughts
and my recipe's, I do have a few other blogs that you may be interested
to take a look at:
From Acorn To Oak
- this blog contains all the posts from all the blogs I run. This is
if you want to see everything I write. The blogs below are for
specialized posts.
Ashleigh's Diary
- this blog contains information from my day to day life and on going
updates of the challenges I present to my readers occassionally on this
In Ashleigh's Kitchen
- this blog only contains recipe's (great if you only want to subscribe to recipes).
In Ashleigh's Garden
- this blog contains how to grow the plants that I am growing, plus a
photo diary of how my garden is doing (great if you only want to subscribe to the garden updates and my chart cards).
In Ashleigh's Quiet Place - this blog contains my thoughts, mostly Christian related with relevant Bible verses.
In Ashleigh's Craft Basket - this blog contains the details of the crafts I am working on at the moment.
In Ashleigh's Palace
- this blog contains the challenges I present to woman to better
themselves and live a more elegant lifestyle (without breaking the
In Ashleigh's Study - this blog contains information. Things I have been researching and have found fascinating.
In Ashleigh's Library - this blog contains reviews on books, movies, Television Shows, games etc. All sorts of media entertainment.