Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sit and think

Each weekend, for the past 3 weekends I have sat and thought for an hour or two.

I can honestly say that there is a distinct benefit for taking time out from your busy day, or week, to sit and think. Even if it is just for an 15 minutes.

Some of the benefits I have found:

1. Relax - it allows me to stop and breathe, free from stress and anxiety because I know that for the next time span, I don't have to worry about anything.

2. Extra insight and wisdom gained - I focus on a specific issue that is confusing me, or something I have read, or a quote I have heard and by focusing on it, I flesh out the details of "whatever it is" and gain greater wisdom accordingly.

3. Appreciation - I learn to appreciate the world around me with all it's details, especially the natural world.

4. Focus - I get focus to go forward into my day. Refocusing myself on what matters and reminding myself to let go what doesn't matter.

And that is why I think it is good to just sit, breathe and think.

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